30-minute weekly lesson : $100/month 45-minute weekly lesson: $150/month 60-minute weekly lesson: $200/month Drop-in rate: $70/hour Theatre workshop: $50/month for current students; $75/month for non-students *Tuition is due at the first lesson of every month. A $5.00 late fee will be applied for each week payment is past due. You may pay for a full semester at once (September-February/March-August) and enjoy a 5% discount on the total. Payment Options: Check payable to Emily Raasch (Check may be sent directly through your bank's billpay system. Simply enter my name and address into the system) Venmo (Emily Raasch @EmilyRaaschVoiceStudio) Cash (please label cash clearly so it will be properly credited to your account)
THE STUDIO IS CLOSED DURING THE FOLLOWING HOLIDAY BREAKS: Labor Day, Sep 2, 2024 Thanksgiving, Nov 25-29, 2024 Christmas, Dec 23, 2024- Jan 3, 2025 Spring Break, March 31- April 4, 2025 Memorial Day, May 26, 2025 The Fourth of July, July 4, 2025 Two weeks at any point during the year, TBA *The above dates are paid holidays, for which make-up lessons will not be given.
Withdrawal/Make-up Policies :
Withdrawal: I request 30 days-notice if you plan to discontinue lessons for any reason. Please do not hesitate to discuss any issues you might have regarding our time together and this contract. Make-ups: Make-up lessons will be offered only if I am given at least 48 hours-notice, or if I cancel for any reason. Illness or family emergencies are exceptions to this rule and will be handled on a case by case basis.
Snow Policy :
I am available for lessons on snow days. If you cannot safely make it to my home, please call and cancel. A make-up is not guaranteed, but I will try to work you in as I am able to do so. Please remind me if you want to schedule a make-up.